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Optional. Configures the look and behavior of headers in the Pivot table


headerShape?: {
collapsible?: boolean,
vertical?: boolean,
template?: (label: string, field: string, subLabel?: string) => string


  • collapsible - (optional) if set to true, dimension groups in the table are collapsible; it's set to false by default
  • vertical - (optional) if set to true, changes the text orientation in all headers from horizontal to vertical; the default value is false
  • template - (optional) defines the format of text in headers; by default, for the fields applied as rows the value of the label parameter is displayed and for the fields applied as values the label and method are shown (e.g., Oil(count)); the function takes the field id, label and the method or predicate id (if any) and returns the processed value; the default template is as follows:
template: (label, id, subLabel) =>
label + (subLabel ? ` (${subLabel})` : "")


const table = new pivot.Pivot("#root", {
data: dataset,
config: {
rows: ["studio", "genre"],
columns: [],
values: [
field: "title",
method: "count"
field: "score",
method: "max"
headerShape: {
vertical: true,
template: (label, field, subLabel) => field + (subLabel ? ` (${subLabel})` : "")

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