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Optional. Defines the maximum limit for the number of rows and columns in the final dataset

Please, also refer to Limiting data.


limits?: {
rows?: number,
columns?: number,
raws?: number


The parameters define when to interrupt rendering data:

  • rows - (optional) sets the maximum number of rows in the final dataset; the default value is 10000.
  • columns - (optional) sets the maximum number of columns in the final dataset; the default value is 5000.
  • raws - (optional) the maximum number of source data rows before data is grouped (raw data records used for aggregating); the default value is infinity.

Limits are used for large dataset. Limits values are approximate values and do not show the exact values of the rows and columns.


const table = new pivot.Pivot("#root", {
data: dataset,
config: {
rows: ["studio", "genre"],
columns: [],
values: [
field: "title",
method: "count"
field: "score",
method: "max"
limits:{ rows: 25, columns: 4 }

Related sample: Pivot 2.0. Data limits