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Fires after the widget configuration has been processed and just before the table is rendered

It allows you to alter the final table configuration on the fly or prevent the rendering of the table altogether.


"render-table": ({
config: {
columns?: [],
data: [],
footer?: boolean,
sizes: {},
split?: {
left?: number
tree?: boolean,
cellStyle?: (row: any, col: any) => string
}) => boolean | void;


The callback of the action takes the config object with the following parameters:

  • columns - (optional) columns array with the next parameters for each object:
    • id (number) - (optional) the id of a column
    • header- (optional) an object with header settings:
      • text (string) - (optional) a header label
      • rowspan (number) - (optional) the number of rows a header should span
      • colspan (number) - (optional) the number of columns a header should span
    • footer - (optional) a header label or an object with footer settings which are the same as the header settings
    • field - (optional) it's a string which is the id of a field
    • template - (optional) the template that is defined via the tableShape property
  • data - (optional) an array of objects with data for the table; each object represents a row
  • footer - (optional) if it's set to true, the table footer is displayed at the bottom of the table; it's set to false and invisible by default
  • sizes - (optional) an object with table sizes settings, namely, colWidth, footerHeight, headerHeight, rowHeight
  • split - (optional) the number of columns to be fixed from the left during the scrolling process
  • tree - (optional) the boolean value with the tree mode setting (true if the tree mode is enabled)
  • cellStyle - (optional) an object where each key is the field id and the value is a function that returns a string. All columns based on the specified field will have the related template applied.

For handling the inner events you can use the Event Bus methods


The callback may return boolean or void.
If the event handler returns false, it will block the operation in question. In this case, it will prevent the rendering of the table.


The next example shows how to output the config object to console and add a footer.

const table = new pivot.Pivot("#root", {
data: dataset,
config: {
rows: ["studio", "genre"],
columns: [],
values: [
field: "title",
method: "count"
field: "score",
method: "max"

table.api.intercept("render-table", (ev) => {
console.log(ev.config); //output the config object
console.log(ev.config.columns); //output the columns array

ev.config.footer = true;
ev.config.columns[0].footer = ["Custom footer"];

// returning "false" here will prevent the table from rendering

The next example shows how to make all rows expand/collapse with the button click. The tree mode should be enabled via the tableShape property.

const table = new pivot.Pivot("#root", {
tableShape: {
tree: true,
data: dataset,
config: {
rows: ["type", "studio"],
columns: [],
values: [
field: "score",
method: "max"
field: "rank",
method: "min"
field: "members",
method: "sum"
field: "episodes",
method: "count"

const api = table.api;
const table = api.getTable();

// setting all table branches closed on the table config update
api.intercept("render-table", (ev) => { => ( = false));

// returning "false" here will prevent the table from rendering
// return false;

function openAll() {
table.exec("open-row", { id: 0, nested: true });

function closeAll() {
table.exec("close-row", { id: 0, nested: true });

See also how to configure the split feature using the render-table event: Freezing columns.

Related sample: Pivot 2.0. Custom frozen (fixed) columns (your number)