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filters data items in a component

filter(rule?: function | object, config?: object): string;


  • rule: function | object - the filtering criteria
    • If set as a function, filtering will be applied by the rule specified in the function. The function takes an object of a data item as a parameter and returns true/false
    • If set as an object, the parameter has the following attributes:
      • by: string | number - mandatory, the id of a data field
      • match: string - mandatory, a pattern to match
      • compare: function - optional, a function for extended filtering that takes three parameters:
        • value - the value to compare
        • match - a pattern to match
        • item - a data item the values of which should be compared
  • config: object - optional, defines the parameters of filtering. It may contain the following properties:
    • id: string - optional, the id of the filter
    • add: boolean - optional, defines whether each next filtering will be applied to the already filtered data (true), or to the initial data (false, default)
    • permanent: boolean - optional, true to make the current filter permanent. It will be applied even if the next filtering doesn't have the add:true property in its configuration object. Such a filter can be removed just with the resetFilter() method


  • id: string - the id of the filter


// filtering data by a function (item) {
return item.a > 0 && item.b !== "Apple";

// or (item) {
return item.a > 0 && item.b !== "Apple";
}, {
add: true,

// filtering data by the column{
by: "a",
match: "Orange",
compare: function (value, match, item) {
if (item.a !== "Some") {
return val === "New";
return false;
}, {
add: true,

Related sample: Data. Filter