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CSS classes of base elements

The DHTMLX library provides a set of CSS classes that you can add to HTML elements to style them in your web project outside DHTMLX widgets.

The principle of these CSS classes' naming is based on the BEM methodology.

Therefore, a class name includes three parts:

  • Block name
  • Element name
  • Modifier name

Block names and element names are separated by a double underscore: block__element.

Block and elements' names are separated from modifier names by a double hyphen: block--modifier, block__element--modifier.


The 'dhx' prefix is used at the beginning of all class names in the DHTMLX library

The full list of CSS classes of the DHTMLX library you can use to style HTML elements is described below.

Form group


dhx_form-groupUse this class to apply the same formatting to different HTML elements at once.
It includes modifiers for manipulating the appearance and state of a layout.


dhx_form-group--no-message-holderRemoves the bottom margin where a text for
a pre-message could be placed
dhx_form-group--disabledA form-group has a disabled state.
It can't be activated (selected, clicked on, typed into)
or accept focus.
dhx_form-group--hiddenHides a form group visually
dhx_form-group--requiredAdds the required mark to a label
inside a form group
dhx_form-group--state_errorMarks the content of input/label red.
Indicates error
dhx_form-group--state_successMarks the content of input/label green.
Indicates success
dhx_form-group--label_srHides a label inside a form group visually
dhx_form-group--inlinePuts a label and an input in one line
dhx_form-group--textareaAdd this class to the form group,
which contains a <textarea> element, to style it

Here's what markup looks like using a form-group example:

<!-- Form-group block -->
<div class="dhx_form-group ">
<!-- Label block -->
<label for="input" class="dhx_label ">I am label</label>
<!-- 'wrapper' element in the 'input' block-->
<div class="dhx_input__wrapper">
<!-- 'container' element in the 'input' block-->
<div class="dhx_input__container">
<!-- Style the input-->
<input id="input" placeholder="I am input" class="dhx_input" autoComplete="off"/>



dhx_buttonAdd this class to a <button> element to reset/normalize default browser styles.


dhx_button__iconContainer for an icon
dhx_button__textContainer for button text/value
dhx_button__loadingUse this class to create a container for the loading mode
dhx_button__loading-iconUse this class together with the "dhx_button--loading"
class to create an icon container for the loading mode


dhx_button--circleUse this class either to add rounded corners to a button with value
or to create a circular button that contains only an icon
dhx_button--width_fullAdd this class to adjust the width of a button to the width
of its container
dhx_button--disabledUse this class to change the button view to disabled.
Instead of this class you can add the disabled attribute.
dhx_button--loadingApply the loading modifier to switch the button to the loading state.
Both the "dhx_button--loading" and "dhx_button__loading-icon"
elements must be applied.
dhx_button--size_smallUse this class to add a small button
dhx_button--size_mediumUse this class to add a medium button
dhx_button--view_flatUse this class to create a flat button
dhx_button--view_linkUse this class to create a link button
dhx_button--color_primaryBlue button (#0288d1).
Use this modifier together with the 'view' modifier
dhx_button--color_secondaryGray button (#4d4d4d).
Use this modifier together with the 'view' modifier
dhx_button--color_dangerRed button (#ff5252).
Use this modifier together with the 'view' modifier
dhx_button--color_successGreen button (#0ab169).
Use this class together with the 'view' modifier

Here is an example how you can specify a markup for a button:

<!-- Create a link button with red color-->
<button type="button" class="dhx_button dhx_button--color_danger dhx_button--view_link">
<!-- The button has the "plus" icon-->
<span class="dhx_button__icon dxi dxi-plus"></span>
<!-- The "Send text" button-->
<span class="dhx_button__text">Send</span>



dhx_labelAdd this class to a <label> element inside a form group to style it

You can style a <label> element, as in:

<label for="element-id" class="dhx_label">Email</label>



dhx_checkboxAdd this class to the "dhx_form-group" class inside a <label> element to create a label for a checkbox.


dhx_checkbox__inputAdd this class to the <input type='checkbox'> element
to hide a native browser checkbox but save its behavior
dhx_checkbox__visual-inputAdd this class to a <span> element to display
a checkbox with its native browser behavior visually

You can change the appearance of a native browser checkbox by using a markup given below:

<!-- Create a label for a checkbox and put it and an input in one line inside the form-group-->
<label class="dhx_form-group dhx_checkbox dhx_form-group--inline" style="margin-left: calc(116px);">
<!-- Hide a native browser checkbox but save its behavior-->
<input type="checkbox" class="dhx_checkbox__input"/>
<!-- Display the checkbox with its native browser behavior visually-->
<span class="dhx_checkbox__visual-input"></span>
<!-- Style the checkbox label-->
<span class="dhx_label ">I am checkbox</span>



dhx_radiobuttonAdd this class to the "dhx_form-group" class inside a <label> element to create a label for a radiobutton.


dhx_radiobutton__inputAdd this class to the <input type='radiobutton'>
element to hide a native browser radiobutton but save its behavior
dhx_radiobutton__visual-inputAdd this class to a <span> element to display
a radiobutton with its native browser behavior visually

You can apply a markup to style a radiobutton, like this:

<!-- Create a label for a radiobutton and put it and an input in one line inside the form-group-->
<label class="dhx_form-group dhx_radiobutton dhx_form-group--inline" style="margin-left: calc(116px);">
<!-- Hide a native browser radiobutton but save its behavior-->
<input type="radiobutton" class="dhx_radiobutton__input"/>
<!-- Display the radiobutton with its native browser behavior visually-->
<span class="dhx_radiobutton__visual-input"></span>
<!-- Style the radiobutton label-->
<span class="dhx_label ">I am radiobutton</span>



dhx_inputAdd this class to an <input type='text'> element to style it


dhx_input__wrapperWrapper for an input container and caption
dhx_input__containerContainer for an input with icon
dhx_input__iconContainer for an input icon
dhx_input__captionContainer for an input caption


dhx_input--icon-paddingApply this class to create a special padding inside
an input where an icon will be placed
dhx_input--textareaApply this class to style a <textarea> element
dhx_input--textinputRemoves all borders from an <input> element

An example of the input markup is given below:

<!-- Create a form-group and put an input and its label in one line-->
<div class="dhx_form-group dhx_form-group--inline">
<!-- Create the label for the input and style it-->
<label for="input" class="dhx_label" style="min-width: 100px; max-width: 100px;">I am label</label>
<!-- Create a wrapper for the input container inside form-group -->
<div class="dhx_input__wrapper">
<!-- Create the container for the input with icon-->
<div class="dhx_input__container">
<!-- Put the "dxi-magnify" icon into the container-->
<div class="dhx_input__icon dxi dxi-magnify"></div>
<!-- Create the input with the padding for the icon-->
<input id="input" placeholder="I am input" name="" class="dhx_input dhx_input--icon-padding" autoComplete="off"/>
<!--Create "Message text" caption -->
<span class="dhx_input__caption">Message text</span>



dhx_selectAdd this class to a <select> tag to style it

The markup of select looks like this:

<!-- Create a form-group and put an input and its label in one line-->
<div class="dhx_form-group dhx_form-group--inline">
<!-- Create the label for the select and style it-->
<label for="select_id" class="dhx_label" style="min-width: 100px; max-width: 100px;">select</label>
<!-- Create the wrapper for the input container inside form-group -->
<div class="dhx_input__wrapper">
<!-- Create the container for the input with icon-->
<div class="dhx_input__container">
<!-- Put the "dxi-menu-down" icon into the container-->
<span class="dhx_input__icon dxi dxi-menu-down"></span>
<select id="select_id" >
<option value="1">1</option>
<option value="2">2</option>
<option value="3">3</option>
<option value="4">4</option>
<option value="5">5</option>
<!--Create "Choose the number 5" caption -->
<span class="dhx_input__caption">Choose the number 5</span>

Extra classes

The DHTMLX library also provides you with a set of CSS classes that you can apply to change look and feel of DHTMLX widgets.

List of CSS classes for styling a widget:

dhx_widget--bg_whiteSets white background to a widget
dhx_widget--bg_graySets gray background to a widget
dhx_widget--borderedSets borders on all sides of a widget
dhx_widget--border_topSets a border on the top side of a widget
dhx_widget--border_bottomSets a border on the bottom side of a widget
dhx_widget--border_leftSets a border on the left side of a widget
dhx_widget--border_rightSets a border on the right side of a widget
dhx_widget--border-shadowAdds a shadow border to a widget
dhx_widget--no-border_topRemoves the top border of a widget
dhx_widget--no-border_bottomRemoves the bottom border of a widget
dhx_widget--no-border_rightRemoves the right border of a widget
dhx_widget--no-border_leftRemoves the left border of a widget

Here is an example of Ribbon customization:

const ribbon = new dhx.Ribbon("ribbon", {

List of CSS classes for styling a Layout cell:

dhx_layout-cell--bg_whiteSets white background to a layout-cell
dhx_layout-cell--bg_graySets gray background to a layout-cell
dhx_layout-cell--borderedSets borders on all sides of a layout-cell
dhx_layout-cell--border_topSets a border on the top side of a layout-cell
dhx_layout-cell--border_bottomSets a border on the bottom side of a layout-cell
dhx_layout-cell--border_leftSets a border on the left side of a layout-cell
dhx_layout-cell--border_rightSets a border on the right side of a layout-cell
dhx_layout-cell--border-shadowAdds a shadow border to a layout-cell
dhx_layout-cell--no-border_topRemoves the top border of a layout-cell
dhx_layout-cell--no-border_bottomRemoves the bottom border of a layout-cell
dhx_layout-cell--no-border_rightRemoves the right border of a layout-cell
dhx_layout-cell--no-border_leftRemoves the left border of a layout-cell

An example of customization of a Layout cell is given below:

const layout = new dhx.Layout("layout", {
css: "dhx_layout-cell--bordered",
rows: [{
id: "toolbar",
html: "Header",
css: "dhx_layout-cell--border_bottom layout-header",
gravity: false,
height: "60px"