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By default, the components of the DHTMLX Suite library operate data in JSON format. But, if necessary, they can also handle data in CSV or XML formats. Using API of Data Collection or Tree Collection provides an opportunity to parse, load or serialize data of a component in any of the mentioned formats.

However, for further work, you may need to get the same data in different formats, and, in that case, you need to convert the data between them. The best way to do this is to use the DataDrivers helper.

DataDrivers is a tool that helps you convert data of a component from JSON format to one of the following formats:

CSV format

To create a dataDrivers object, use the dhx.dataDrivers.csv constructor:

const csvDataDriver = new dhx.dataDrivers.csv(
columnDelimiter: " | ",
rowDelimiter: "\n\n",
nameByHeader: true

The constructor has one parameter:

  • optional, an object with configuration properties. These properties are:

    • columnDelimiter - (string) optional, a comma (",") by default. A separator between columns, can be a semicolon - ";", or any other value
    • rowDelimiter - (string) optional, a newline ("\n") by default. A separator between rows, can be a tab - "\t", or any other value
    • nameByHeader - (boolean) optional, if set to true, the data from the first line are used as keys of the items; false by default

Note that the nameByHeader: true setting is required when you create a data driver for parsing CSV data into a grid

To convert data of a component (for instance, data of a chart) into a CSV string, use the serialize() method, as in:

csvDataDriver.serialize(, false);

The method takes two parameters:

  • data - (array) - the data to be converted
  • withoutHeader - (boolean) optional, defines whether the returned string will contain the header, false by default

As a result, data of the chart converted into the CSV format look like this:

CSV format
"month | company A | company B | company C | company D | id

`02 | 20 | 52 | 72 | 34 | 1 |

`03 | 5 | 33 | 90 | 55 | 2 |

`04 | 55 | 30 | 81 | 66 | 3 |

`05 | 30 | 11 | 62 | 22 | 4 | "

XML format

Pro version only

This functionality requires PRO version of the DHTMLX suite package.

To create dataDrivers object, use the dhx.dataDrivers.xml constructor:

const xmlDataDriver = new dhx.dataDrivers.xml();

To convert data of a component (for example, data of a grid) into an XML string, use the serialize() method, as in:

country: "China", population: "1415045928", yearlyChange: "0.0039"
country: "India", population: "1354051854", yearlyChange: "0.0111"
country: "U.S.", population: "326766748", yearlyChange: "0.0071"

The method takes one parameter:

  • data - (array) - the data to be converted

As a result, the data of the grid converted into the XML format look like this:

XML format
"<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>