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Migration to newer versions

9.0 -> 9.1


The getSortingState() method of Grid has been deprecated and replaced with the getSortingStates() method of DataCollection and TreeCollection, which allows getting the result of sorting data by multiple columns.

Before v9.1
From v9.1[0]; // getting the first (main) sorting state

8.4 -> 9.0


TreeGrid as a Grid mode

Since v9.0 the TreeGrid component becomes a part of the Grid component. To enable the TreeGrid mode you need just to use the dhx.Grid constructor and set the type: "tree" property in the Grid configuration. This functionality is available in the PRO version.

Before v9.0
const treegrid = new dhx.TreeGrid("treegrid_container", {
columns: [
// columns config
data: dataset
From v9.0
const grid = new dhx.Grid("grid_container", {
type: "tree",
columns: [
// columns config
data: dataset

Data grouping

Since v9.0 the TreeGrid data grouping methods groupBy() and ungroup(), and the groupTitleTemplate property have been deprecated. The data grouping functionality is now available via the group configuration property of Grid.

From v9.0
const grid = new dhx.Grid("grid_container", {
group: true,
columns: [
// columns config
data: dataset

This config enables the TreeGrid mode (the type:"tree" configuration option is automatically set in the Grid configuration), allows configuring the data grouping settings and using DataCollection API for grouping Grid data.

Using statistical functions in the column header/footer

Before v9.0 the content property of the column header/footer could have the default statistical functions "avg" | "sum" | "max" | "min" | "count" as arguments.

Before v9.0
width: 130,
id: "balance",
header: [{text: "Balance"}, {content: "inputFilter"}],
footer: [
content: "sum",
tooltipTemplate: balanceTemplate

Since v9.0 it is possible both to define the default statistical functions and create custom functions for data calculation. The following new functionality has been added:

  1. defining the default data calculation functions:
From v9.0
const rows = [{ value: 10 }, { value: 20 }, { value: 30 }];
const sum = dhx.methods.sum(rows, "value"); // 60
  1. redefining the default functions:
From v9.0
dhx.methods.doubleSum = (rows, field) => {
return rows.reduce((sum, row) => sum + row[field] * 2, 0);

const grid = new dhx.Grid("grid_container", {
columns: [
id: "population",
header: [{ text: "Population" }],
footer: [{ text: (content) => content.doubleSum }],
summary: "doubleSum"
data: dataset
  • the summary config options are added into Grid and column configuration for calculating values based on columns data while creating a summary list both at the Grid and column's levels

  • the getSummary() method is added for getting the summary data either of a column or of the Grid

  • the text property of the Grid column header/footer configuration object can be set as a callback function called with the following parameter:

    • content - an object with the content of the column header/footer that contains the calculated values from the summary property as key:value pairs, where:
      • the key is either the key defined in the list or the functor name
      • the value can be a string, number or null
  • the tooltipTemplate property of the Grid column header/footer configuration object can be set as a callback function called with the following parameters:

    • content - an object with the content of the header/footer. Contains two properties which are available either from the component's or from the column's configuration:
      • value - (string) the value rendered in a cell, including the applied templates
      • an object with the calculated values of the summary property, set as key:value pairs where:
        • the key is either the key defined in the list or the functor name
        • the value can be a string, number or null
    • header/footer - (object) the object of the column header/footer
    • column - (object) the object of a column
  • the text property of the Grid spans configuration object can be set as a callback function called with the following parameter:

    • content - an object with the content of the spans tooltip that contains the calculated values from the summary property as key:value pairs, where:
      • the key is either the key defined in the list or the functor name
      • the value can be a string, number or null
  • the tooltipTemplate property of the Grid spans configuration objects can be set as a callback function called with the following parameters:

    • content - an object with the content of the spans tooltip. Contains two properties which are available either from the component's or from the column's configuration:
      • value - (string) the value rendered in a cell, including the applied templates
      • an object with the calculated values of the summary property, set as key:value pairs where:
        • the key is either the key defined in the list or the functor name
        • the value can be a string, number or null
    • span - (object) the span object
From v9.0
const grid = new dhx.Grid("grid", {
columns: [
{ width: 200, id: "country", header: [{ text: "Country" }] },
width: 150,
id: "population",
header: [
text: "Population" ,
tooltipTemplate: ({ totalPopulation, count }) => `Total: ${totalPopulation}, Count: ${ count }`
summary: "count"
width: 150,
id: "age",
header: [{ text: "Med. Age" }],
summary: { avgAge: "avg" }
summary: {
totalPopulation: ["population", "sum"],
spans: [
row: "6",
column: "population",
rowspan: 9,
text: ({ count }) => ("Count population:" + count),
tooltipTemplate: ({ value, count }) => (`value: ${value}; count: ${count}`),
data: dataset

// getting summary data for the component
const totalSummary = grid.getSummary();
console.log(totalSummary); //{ totalPopulation: 1000000 } - sum of all the values in the "population" column

// getting summary data for the "age" column
const columnSummary = grid.getSummary("age");
console.log(columnSummary); //{ totalPopulation: 1000000, avgAge: 28 } - the value of the "age" column only

Date format in a column

Before v9.0, the format for dates in a column has been set by specifying the type: "date" property and the format option:

Before v9.0
width: 150, id: "date", header: [{ text: "Date" }],
type: "date", format: "%M %d %Y"

Since v9.0, to set the format for dates, you need to use the combination of the type: "date" property and the dateFormat option:

From v9.0
width: 150, id: "date", header: [{ text: "Date" }],
type: "date", dateFormat: "%M %d %Y"

Data format in a column

Before v9.0 the necessary format of data for a column has been specified via the format property:

Before v9.0
width: 130,
id: "cost",
header: [{ text: "Cost" }, { content: "inputFilter" }],
template: (value) => `$${value}`,
format: "#.0",

Since v9.0, the data format is specified via the numberMask configuration option of a column object:

From v9.0
width: 130,
id: "cost",
header: [{ text: "Cost" }, { content: "inputFilter" }],
footer: [{ content: "sum" }],
numberMask: {
prefix: "$", minDecLength: 0

Displaying the percentage value in a column

Before v9.0, to display the percentage value in a column, the type: "percent" configuration option has been used:

Before v9.0
width: 150, id: "yearlyChange", header: [{ text: "Yearly Change" }],
type: "percent"

Since v9.0, the percentage value is specified via the suffix: "%" attribute of the numberMask configuration option of a column object:

From v9.0
width: 120, id: "yearlyChange", header: [{ text: "Yearly Change" }],
numberMask: { suffix: "%" }

8.1 -> 8.2


Before v8.2, the smartFilter property of the filter() method defined whether a filtering rule will be applied after adding and editing items of the collection.

Since v8.2 this property is deprecated and replaced with the permanent one. All active filters are stored in DataCollection/TreeCollection and will be automatically applied once again after calling the add/update/parse methods.

Besides, the id property has been added into the configuration object of the filter() method.

7.3 -> 8.0


Before v8.0, the getHeaderFilter() method returned either an HTML element or an object with Combobox configuration. That allowed you to set focus on the filter or remove it:

const countryFilter = grid.getHeaderFilter("country");
// -> HTMLElement
// <label className="dhx_grid-filter__label dxi dxi-menu-down">...</label>


// or

const countryFilter = grid.getHeaderFilter("density");
// -> object of Combobox
// Combobox {_uid: "u1597304021754", config: {…}, events: EventSystem,
// data: DataCollection, popup: Popup, …}


In v8.0, we've improved the way of work with the filter. Now the getHeaderFilter() method returns an object with a set of methods which allow you to get an object of the filter, to set/remove focus from the filter, to set a value by which a column will be filtered or to clear this value.

If you need to get an HTML object or an object with configuration of Combobox, apply the getFilter() method of the header filter object:

const filter1 = grid.getHeaderFilter("country").getFilter();
// -> returns Combobox
// {config: {…}, _uid: 'u1670500020936', events: o, data: d, popup: f, …}

const filter2 = grid.getHeaderFilter("netChange").getFilter();
// -> returns HTML object
// {type: 1, attrs: {…}, tag: 'div', _class: 'dhx_grid-filter__label dxi dxi-magnify',
// ref: 'netChange_filter', …}

Message box

Before v8.0, the dhx.message() constructor just added a new element to DOM.

Starting from v8.0, the constructor looks like dhx.message(): {close() => void};. It will return an object with the method which allows calling a function to remove the element from DOM.

Before v8.0
const message = dhx.message({
text: "Message text",
icon: "dxi-clock",
css: "expire",
expire: 1000

console.log(message); // -> undefined
From v8.0
const message = dhx.message({
text: "Message text",
icon: "dxi-clock",
css: "expire",
expire: 1000

console.log(message); // -> {close: function}

7.1 -> 7.2


The open event has been deprecated in v7.2. The new beforeOpen and afterOpen events have been added.

Before v7.2
// the "open" event"open", function(){
// your logic here
From v7.2
// the "beforeOpen" event"beforeOpen", function() {
// your logic here
return false;

// the "afterOpen" event"afterOpen", function() {
// your logic here

Though the open event remains backward compatible with previous versions, you'd better use the afterOpen event instead.

7.0 -> 7.1


  1. Since v7.1, the dateFormat configuration option of the column has been deprecated. Though the support of the option continues, we recommend that you use the format option together with type: "date" instead.
Before v7.1
width: 150, id: "start_date",
header: [{ text: "Calendar", colspan: 2 }, { text: "Start date" }],
type: "date", dateFormat: "%d/%m/%Y"
From v7.1
width: 150, id: "date", header: [{ text: "Date" }],
type: "date", format: "%M.%d.%Y"
  1. The sort event has been deprecated in v7.1. Instead of it, you should use the afterSort and beforeSort events.
Before v7.1
// the "sort" event"Sort", function(id){
console.log("The grid is sorted by the "+id+" column");
From v7.1
// the "afterSort" event"afterSort", (col, dir) => {
console.log(col, dir);

// the "beforeSort" event"beforeSort", (col, dir) => {
console.log("beforeSort", col, dir);
// return false;

6.5 -> 7.0


  1. The splitAt configuration property of Grid has been deprecated. The property is still available but not recommended for use.

Starting from v7.0, use leftSplit instead.

Before v7.0
const grid = new dhx.Grid("grid_container", {
columns: [
// columns config
splitAt: 2,
data: dataset
From v7.0
const grid = new dhx.Grid("grid_container", {
columns: [
// columns config
leftSplit: 2,
data: dataset


  1. Before v7.0, the gravity property of a Layout cell was intended to arrange content evenly throughout the cell.

Starting from v7.0, the property is used for setting the "weight" of a cell in relation to other cells placed in the same row, within one parent.

The type of the property has been changed from boolean to number, but boolean type is still available for backward compatibility purposes.


  1. The following API methods of DataView/List have been deprecated: enableSelection(), disableSelection(). These methods are still available but not recommended for use.

Instead of the methods, use new enable(), disable() methods of the selection object.

Before v7.0
// DataView

// List
From v7.0
// DataView

// List

Form and Form controls

  1. Starting with 7.0, to access the Form control you can use either the name of the control or its id (if the name attribute is not defined in the config of the control). In previous versions it was possible to access the control only by id.

  2. The following events of Form have been deprecated: buttonClick, validationFail. These events are still available but not recommended for use.

Instead of the buttonClick event, use the new click event.

Before v7.0"buttonClick", function(id, events) {
From v7.0"click", function(name, events) {
console.log("Click", name, events);

Instead of the validationFail event, use the new afterValidate, beforeValidate events:

Before v7.0"validationFail", function(id,component){
// your code here
From v7.0
// AfterValidate event"afterValidate", function(name, value, isValid) {
console.log("AfterValidate", name, value, isValid);

// BeforeValidate event"beforeValidate", function(name, value) {
console.log("BeforeValidate", name, value);
return true;
  1. The value property of the Button control of Form has been replaced by the text one.

The setValue() method of the Button control of Form has been deprecated.

  1. The following properties of the configuration object of a radio button of RadioGroup have been deprecated:
  • label
  • labelWidth
  • hiddenLabel
  • labelPosition
  • helpMessage
  • preMessage
  • successMessage
  • errorMessage
  1. The gravity property have been deprecated for all Form controls.

  2. The readonly attribute of the Combo control of Form have been deprecated. Starting from v7.0, use readOnly instead.

Confirm message box

  1. Before v7.0, the Space and Enter key were used to confirm the Reject button. Starting with v7.0, the keys confirm the Apply button. The Esc key confirms the Reject button.

Also note, that before v7.0, the confirm buttons were displayed in the following order: "Apply" and "Reject". In the version 7.0, the order has been changed to "Reject" and "Apply".


  1. The apply event of TimePicker has been deprecated. Instead of it, use the new beforeApply and afterApply events.
Before v7.1"apply", function(){
console.log("The value of a timepicker "+ timepicker.getValue() + " has been saved");
After v7.1"beforeApply", function(value){
console.log("The ", value, " of a timepicker will be saved");
return false;
});"afterApply", function(value){
console.log("The ", value, " of a timepicker is saved");


  1. The readonly configuration property have been deprecated. Starting from v7.0, use readOnly instead.
const combo = new dhx.Combobox("combo_container", { 
readOnly: true

6.3 -> 6.4

  1. Here is the list of methods, events and properties that were just renamed for clarity and consistency:


Up to version 6.3From version 6.4
Events"dateHover", function(){})"dateMouseOver", function(){})


Up to version 6.3From version 6.4
Events"viewChange",function(){})"modeChange", function(){})"selectClick",function(){})"apply", function(){})


Up to version 6.3From version 6.4
Events"close", function(){})"afterClose", function(){})


Up to version 6.3From version 6.4
Events"contextMenu", function(){})"itemRightClick", function(){})

The multiselectionMode property is deprecated. Starting from the version 6.4 , it is possible to set the mode of selection of multiple items using the multiselection property of DataView.


Up to version 6.3From version 6.4

The columnsAutoWidth property is replaced with the adjust property. The property can take one of three values: "header", "data" or true.

Before 6.4 the adjustColumnWidth() method took only one parameter - the id of the column. Starting from v6.4, it is also possible to pass the mode of adjusting a column ("header", "data", true) as a second parameter.


Up to version 6.3From version 6.4
Events"contextMenu", function(){})"itemRightClick", function(){})

The multiselectionMode property is deprecated. Starting from the version 6.4 , it is possible to set the mode of selection of multiple items using the multiselection property of List.

The toggle event is deprecated. Use new beforeCollapse, afterCollapse, beforeExpand, afterExpand events instead.


Up to version 6.3From version 6.4


Up to version 6.3From version 6.4
Events"close", function(){})"afterClose", function(){})


Up to version 6.3From version 6.4
Events"close", function(){})"afterClose", function(){})"save", function(){})"apply", function(){})


Up to version 6.3From version 6.4

The isFolder property is deprecated. Instead of it, you can set the icon property in the configuration object of a tree item to add custom icons for tree items.

const tree = new dhx.Tree("tree_container", {
"value": "Books",
"id": "Books",
"opened": true,
"items": [
"value": "Lawrence Block",
"id": "Lawrence Block",
"icon": {
"folder": "fas fa-book",
"openFolder": "fas fa-book-open",
"file": "fas fa-file"


Up to version 6.3From version 6.4

The columnsAutoWidth property is replaced with the adjust property. The property can take one of three values: "header", "data" or true.

Before 6.4 the adjustColumnWidth() method took only one parameter - the id of the column. Starting from v6.4, it is also possible to pass the mode of adjusting a column ("header", "data", true) as a second parameter.

Combobox, Slider

The labelInline property is replaced with the labelPosition property. The labelPosition property defines the position of a label.

  1. Since some properties of widgets of the Suite library have been renamed, the properties of Form controls, that are based on this widgets, have also been renamed:

All Form controls

Up to version 6.3From version 6.4

Combo control

Up to version 6.3From version 6.4

DatePicker control

Up to version 6.3From version 6.4

Slider control

Up to version 6.3From version 6.4

TimePicker control

Up to version 6.3From version 6.4

6.2 -> 6.3

  1. In the version 6.3 names of some methods and events of DHTMLX library were changed. It was made in order to avoid confusion and misunderstanding due to inconsistency between the name and functionality.


Up to version 6.2From version 6.3
getView()getCurrentMode()"colorChange",function(){})"change", function(){})


Up to version 6.2From version 6.3"headerInput", function(){})"filterChange", function(){})


Up to version 6.2From version 6.3


Up to version 6.2From version 6.3
tree.unCheckItem(id)tree.uncheckItem(id)"itemContextMenu", function(){})"itemRightClick", function(){})


Up to version 6.2From version 6.3"headerInput", function(){})"filterChange", function(){})


Up to version 6.2From version 6.3
  1. Until the version 6.3 List and DataView had the getFocusIndex() and setFocusIndex() methods. Starting from v6.3, these methods are no longer considered important. They are deprecated and not recommended for use.

Instead, use the corresponding getFocus() method for getting the id of an item in focus:

list.getFocus(); // -> "item_id"

dataview.getFocus(); // -> "item_id"

and the setFocus() method for setting focus to an item by its id:



In case you still need to get the index of an item in focus, make use of the code, as in:

// get the id of an item using the getFocus() method
const id = list.getFocus();
// and pass this id as a parameter of the getIndex method of Data Collection
const index =;