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Selection overview

A set of APIs that allow you to work with the Selection object. You can use the API of the Selection object when working with the following components: DataView, List, Tree, Grid, Grid in the TreeGrid mode.

DataView, List, Tree


You can apply the following methods of the Selection object to manage the selection of items in DataView, List, Tree:

add()selects a specified item
disable()disables selection functionality in the component
enable()enables selection functionality in the component
getId()returns the id of a selected item
getItem()returns the object of a selected item
remove()unselects a previously selected item


You can apply the following events of the Selection object when working with the selection of items in DataView, List, Tree:

afterSelectfires after selecting an item
afterUnSelectfires after unselecting an item
beforeSelectfires on selecting an item, but before the item is really selected
beforeUnSelectfires on unselecting an item, but before the item is really unselected

Grid, Grid in the TreeGrid mode


See the full lists of the methods of the Selection object you can use to manage the selection of cells in Grid, Grid in the TreeGrid mode:


See the full lists of the events of the Selection object you can use while working with the selection of cells in Grid, Grid in the TreeGrid mode: