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Datepicker properties


type: "datepicker",
name?: string,
id?: string,
value?: Date | string,

css?: string,
disabled?: boolean, // false by default
editable?: boolean, // false by default
height?: string | number | "content", // "content" by default
hidden?: boolean, // false by default
padding?: string | number,
required?: boolean, // false by default
validation?: (input: string | Date) => boolean,
width?: string | number | "content", // "content" by default

date?: Date | string,
dateFormat?: string, // "%d/%m/%y" by default
disabledDates?: (date: Date) => boolean,
icon?: string,
mark?: (date: Date) => string,
mode?: "calendar" | "month" | "year", // "calendar" by default
placeholder?: string,
thisMonthOnly?: boolean, // false by default
timeFormat?: 24 | 12, // 24 by default
timePicker?: boolean, // false by default
valueFormat?: string | Date, // "string" by default
weekNumbers?: boolean, // false by default
weekStart?: "saturday" | "sunday" | "monday", // "sunday" by default

hiddenLabel?: boolean, // false by default
label?: string,
labelPosition?: "left" | "top", // "top" by default
labelWidth?: string | number,

helpMessage?: string,
preMessage?: string,
successMessage?: string,
errorMessage?: string,


type(required) the type of a control, set it to "datepicker"
name(optional) the name of a control
id(optional) the id of a control, auto-generated if not set
value(optional) the value of a datepicker
css(optional) adds style classes to a control
disabled(optional) defines whether a control is enabled (false) or disabled (true)
editable(optional) allows a user to enter the value of the control manually, false by default
height(optional) the height of a control
hidden(optional) defines whether a control is hidden
padding(optional) sets padding between a cell and a border of a DatePicker control
required(optional) defines whether a control is required
validation(optional) the validation function, takes as a parameter the value to validate and returns true/false to indicate the result of validation
width(optional) the width of a control
date(optional) defines the date that will be opened when the calendar is created, differs from the selected date (set by value)
dateFormat(optional) defines the format of dates in the calendar, "%d/%m/%y" by default. The date format must include delimiters (space or symbol), otherwise an error will be thrown
disabledDates(optional) allows disabling some date intervals, day labels are dimmed
icon(optional) the CSS class name of an icon from the used icon font
mark(optional) allows adding a CSS class to specific days
mode(optional) specifies the mode of displaying a calendar: "calendar" (default), "month", "year"
placeholder(optional) a tip for the input
thisMonthOnly(optional) hides dates of the previous/next months relative to the currently displayed one
timeFormat(optional) defines the time format of a timepicker: 12-hour or 24-hour (12 or 24 (default), correspondingly)
timePicker(optional) adds a timepicker into a calendar, false by default
valueFormat(optional) defines the format of the value that will be returned while getting the current value of the control: "string" (default) or "Date"
weekNumbers(optional) defines whether to show the numbers of weeks, false by default
weekStart(optional) sets the starting day of the week: "saturday", "monday" or "sunday" (default)
hiddenLabel(optional) makes the label invisible
label(optional) specifies a label for a control
labelPosition(optional) defines the position of a label: "left"|"top"
labelWidth(optional) sets the width of the label of a control
helpMessage(optional) adds a help message to a control
preMessage(optional) a message that contains instructions for interacting with the control
successMessage(optional) a message that appears in case of successful validation of the control value
errorMessage(optional) a message that appears in case of error during validation of the control value


Related article: DatePicker