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Optional. Sets the alignment of controls inside the control group

align?: "start" | "center" | "end" | "between" | "around" | "evenly";

Default value: "start"


const form = new dhx.Form("form_container", {
css: "dhx_widget--bordered",
height: "200px",
width: "400px",
align: "end", // sets the alignment for rows
padding: "20px",
rows: [
type: "text",
name: "text",
value: "Do you agree with our terms and conditions?"
padding: "10px",
align: "start", // sets the alignment for cols
cols: [{
type: "checkbox",
width: "80px",
label: "I agree",
name: "agree",
id: "agree",
checked: true
type: "checkbox",
label: "I disagree",
name: "align",

Related Sample: Form. Alignment

Change log:

added in v6.4