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returns an object with the specified calculated values


interface ISummaryList {
[key: string]: string | number | null;

getSummary(colId?: string | number): ISummaryList;


  • colId?: string | number - optional, the id of a column


An object with the list of calculated values


const grid = new dhx.Grid("grid_container", {
columns: [
{ width: 150, id: "population", header: [{ text: "Population" }] },
width: 150,
id: "age",
header: [{ text: "Med. Age" }],
summary: { avgAge: "avg" }
summary: {
totalPopulation: ["population", "sum"],
data: dataset

// getting summary data for the component
const totalSummary = grid.getSummary();
console.log(totalSummary); //{ totalPopulation: 1000000 } - the sum of all the values in the "population" column

// getting summary data for a column
const columnSummary = grid.getSummary("age");
console.log(columnSummary); //{ totalPopulation: 1000000, avgAge: 28 } - the value of the "age" column only
  • When called without parameters, the method returns an object with the calculated values defined in the configuration of the component.
  • When the id parameter is passed to the method, it returns an object with the calculated values defined in the column's configuration together with the calculated values defined in the component's configuration.

Related article: Getting the summary object

Related API: summary

Change log:

  • Added in v9.0