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Optional. Creates the list of calculated values based on the column's data


type TSummaryMethod = (rows: IRow[]) => string | number;

interface ISummary {
[key: string]: [string, string] | TSummaryMethod;
summary?: ISummary;


The summary configuration option of Grid is an object with calculated values, where the keys are the field names and the values can be:

  • a string with the name of the applied functor

  • a tuple [string, string] that specifies the column id and the name of the applied functor

  • a (rows: IRow[]) => string | number; function for calculating the summary of the column


// defining the method for calculating the density of population
dhx.methods.populationDensity = (rows) => {
const totalPopulation = rows.reduce((sum, row) => sum + row.population, 0);
const totalArea = rows.reduce((sum, row) => sum + row.area, 0);
return totalArea ? (totalPopulation / totalArea).toFixed(2) : 0;

// adjusting a grid and using the method for calculating density
const grid = new dhx.Grid("grid_container", {
columns: [
width: 150,
id: "population",
header: [{ text: () => `<mark>Population</mark>`, htmlEnable: true }],
footer: [{ text: ({ totalPopulation, count }) => `Total: ${totalPopulation}, Count: ${count}` }],
// initializing column summary as a string
summary: "count"
width: 150,
id: "area",
header: [{ text: ({ customSum }) => `Area: ${customSum}` }],
// initializing column summary as an object
summary: {
customSum: rows => {
return dhx.methods.sum(rows, "population") + dhx.methods.sum(rows, "area");
width: 150,
id: "density",
header: [{ text: "Density" }],
footer: [{ text: ({ density }) => `Density: ${density}` }],
// initializing grid summary
summary: {
totalPopulation: ["population", "sum"],
totalArea: ["area", "sum"],
density: "populationDensity" // adding the summary value for density
data: dataset

// an example of getting the values of population density
const summary = grid.getSummary();
console.log(summary); // { totalPopulation: 1000000, totalArea: 50000, density: 20.00 }

Related article: Summary of calculated values

Related API: getSummary

Change log:

  • Added in v9.0