Sidebar API overview
Sidebar methods
Name | Description |
collapse() | collapses a sidebar |
destructor() | removes a Sidebar instance and releases occupied resources |
disable() | disables and dims items of Sidebar |
enable() | enables disabled items of Sidebar |
expand() | expands a sidebar |
getSelected() | returns an array of IDs of selected items |
hide() | hides items of Sidebar |
isCollapsed() | checks whether Sidebar is collapsed |
isDisabled() | checks whether an item of Ribbon is disabled |
isSelected() | checks whether a specified Sidebar item is selected |
paint() | repaints Sidebar on a page |
select() | selects a specified Sidebar item |
show() | shows items of Sidebar |
toggle() | expands/collapses Sidebar |
unselect() | unselects a selected Sidebar item |
Use TreeCollection methods to work with data.
Sidebar events
Name | Description |
afterCollapse | fires after collapsing a sidebar |
afterExpand | fires after expanding a sidebar |
afterHide | fires after hiding a sub-item of Sidebar |
beforeCollapse | fires before collapsing a sidebar |
beforeExpand | fires before expanding a sidebar |
beforeHide | fires before hiding a sub-item of Sidebar |
click | fires after a click on a control |
inputBlur | fires when a control is blurred |
inputCreated | fires when a new input is added |
inputFocus | fires when a control is focused |
keydown | fires when any key is pressed and a Sidebar option is in focus |
openMenu | fires on expanding a menu control |
Use TreeCollection events to work with data.
Sidebar properties
Name | Description |
collapsed | Optional. Defines that a sidebar is initialized in the collapsed state |
css | Optional. Adds style classes to Sidebar |
data | Optional. Specifies an array of data objects to set into Sidebar |
menuCss | Optional. Adds style classes to all containers of Sidebar controls with nested items |
minWidth | Optional. Sets the minimal width of a sidebar in the collapsed state |
width | Optional. Sets the width of a sidebar |
Sidebar Custom HTML properties
A Custom HTML control can possess the following properties.
Sidebar MenuItem properties
A MenuItem control may have the following properties.
Sidebar NavItem properties
A NavItem control can have the following properties.
Sidebar Separator properties
A Separator control may possess the following properties.
Sidebar Spacer properties
A Spacer control may have the following properties.
Sidebar Title properties
A Title control may possess the following properties.