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fires before saving the timepicker value

beforeApply: (value: string | object) => boolean | void;


  • value: string | object - the value of a timepicker


Return false to prevent saving the timepicker value; otherwise, true.

Example"beforeApply", function(value) {
return false;

Related sample: Timepicker. Events

The type of the value parameter depends on the applied valueFormat and timeFormat:

  • If valueFormat: "string" and timeFormat:24 are specified, the string value will include just the hour and minutes: "00:39"
  • If valueFormat: "string" and timeFormat:12 are specified, the string value will include hour, minutes, and am/pm identifiers: "06:00AM"
  • If valueFormat: "timeObject" and timeFormat:24 are specified, the object value will contain key:value pairs for hours, minutes and their values: {hour: 0, minute: 39}
  • If valueFormat: "timeObject" and timeFormat:12 are specified, the object value will contain key:value pairs for hours, minutes, am/pm identifiers and their values: {hour: 6, minute: 0, AM: true}

Change log:

added in v7.0