DHTMLX Tree possesses an advanced drag-n-drop functionality. With this feature, it is possible to reorder items in a tree and drag items between trees. To enable drag-n-drop, you should define the drag mode.
const source = new dhx.Tree("tree-source",{dragMode:"source", dropBehaviour:"complex"});
const target = new dhx.Tree("tree-target",{dragMode:"target", dropBehaviour:"complex"});
Drag mode
There are three modes of drag-n-drop available in a tree:
- "target" - a tree takes items from other trees, while its items can't be dragged out of it
- "source" - a tree allows dragging its items out and can't take items from other trees
- "both" - a tree both takes items from other trees and allows dragging its items out as well
By setting the drag mode, you automatically enable the drag-n-drop functionality.
const tree = new dhx.Tree("tree_container", {
Related sample: Tree. Drag modes
Please note that drag-n-drop within a tree works, if it has dragMode:"both" setting in its configuration object.
Drop behaviour
You can specify the drag-n-drop behaviour of tree items with the dropBehaviour in the configuration object of a tree.
There are three modes of behaviour of a dragged tree item:
- "child" - a dragged item becomes a child of the item it is dragged to
- "sibling" - a dragged item becomes a sibling of the item it is dragged to
- "complex" - a dragged item can become both a child and a sibling of a target item, depending on the position specified by highlighting (check the above images)
Copying dragged item
Instead of moving a dragged item to a new position in the same or a different tree, you can copy it. Use the dragCopy option in the configuration object of a tree.
const treeSource = new dhx.Tree("tree-source", {dragMode: "source", dragCopy: true});
const treeTarget = new dhx.Tree("tree-target", {dragMode: "target", dragCopy: true});
Related sample: Tree. Copy dragged item