Integrating Vault with React

You should be familiar with the basic concepts and patterns of React to use this documentation. If you are not, please refer to the React documentation for a getting-started tutorial.

DHTMLX Vault is compatible with React. We have prepared code examples of how to use DHTMLX Vault with React. To check online samples, please refer to the corresponding Example on Replit.

You can also check the demo on GitHub.

Creating a project

Before you start to create a new project, install Vite (optional) and Node.js.

You can create a basic React project or use React with Vite:

npx create-vite my-react-vault-app --template react

Installation of dependencies

Next you should go to the app directory. Let's call our project my-react-vault-app and run:

cd my-react-vault-app

After that you should install dependencies and start the dev server. For this, you need to make use of a package manager:

  • if you use yarn, you need to call the following commands:
yarn install
yarn dev
  • if you use npm, you need to call the following commands:
npm install
npm run dev

You should now have your React project running on http://localhost:5173.

React app running

Creating Vault

Now we should get the DHTMLX Vault code. First of all, we need to stop the app by pressing Ctrl+C in the command line. Then we can proceed with installing the Vault package.

Step 1. Package installation

There are two options available: you can install the Pro package from a local folder or install the trial version using npm or yarn.

Installing the package from a local folder

The instructions are the following:

  1. Copy the Vault package into some local directory inside the project
  2. In the project directory run the command below replacing vault-local-package-path with the actual path:
npm install ./vault-local-package-path
yarn add "./vault-local-package-path"

For example:

npm install ./vault_5.0.0_enterprise
// or
yarn add "./vault_5.0.0_enterprise"

Installing the trial version via a package manager

You can install the trial version of Vault using npm or yarn commands:

  • for npm:

npm config set @dhx:registry
npm i @dhx/trial-vault

  • for yarn:

yarn config set @dhx:registry
yarn add @dhx/trial-vault

To get Vault under the proprietary license, refer to the Support Center!

Step 2. Component creation

Now we should create a React component, to add a Vault into the application. Let's create a new file in the src/ directory and name it Vault.jsx.

Importing source files

Open the file and import Vault source files. Note that:


import { Vault } from 'dhx-vault';
import 'dhx-vault/codebase/vault.css';

Note that depending on the used package, the source files can be minified. In this case make sure that you are importing the CSS file as vault.min.css.

In case you use npm with a local Vault package, the way of importing Vault source files is different. Check the details below


import { Vault } from '@dhx/trial-vault';
import '@dhx/trial-vault/codebase/vault.min.css';

In this tutorial we will use the trial version of Vault.

Setting the container and adding Vault

To display Vault on the page, we need to set the container to render the component inside. Check the code below:


import { Vault } from '@dhx/trial-vault';
import '@dhx/trial-vault/codebase/vault.min.css';
import { useRef } from "react";   
// eslint-disable-next-line react/prop-types
const VaultComponent = () => {
  const nodeRef = useRef(null);  
  return (     <div       ref={nodeRef}       style={{width:"700px", minHeight:"100vh"}}     ></div>   ); };
export default VaultComponent;

Then we need to add our Vault into the container. To do that, import the useEffect() method of React and use it to render the Vault instance and destruct when it is no longer needed:


import { useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react";   
// eslint-disable-next-line react/prop-types
const VaultComponent = () => {
  const node = useRef(null);
  let [vault, setVault] = useState(null);    useEffect(() => {     const vault = new Vault(nodeRef.current, {});     setVault(vault);     return () => vault.destructor();   }, []);  
  return (
      style={{width:"700px", minHeight:"100vh"}}
export default VaultComponent;

In case you use npm with a local Vault package, the way of Vault initialization differs a little bit. Check the details below

Using npm + Vault package

If you use npm with a Vault package, the import of the source files and the initialization of Vault will differ from the common way:

  • include the Vault source files in the index.html file as shown in the example below. Replace vault_package with the name of your local folder that contains Vault source files:


<script src="./vault_package/codebase/vault.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./vault_package/codebase/vault.min.css">
  • use the dhx prefix to initialize Vault, check the example below:


useEffect(() => { 
  const vault = new dhx.Vault(nodeRef.current, {});   setVault(vault); 
  return () => vault.destructor();
}, []);

Loading data

To add data into the Vault, we need to provide a data set. Let's create the data.js file in the src/ directory and add some data into it:


export function getData() {
  return [
      size: '100000',
      name: 'index.php',
      size: '25555',
      name: 'index.js',
      size: '2555412',
      name: 'document.doc',
      size: '52555',
      name: 'documentation.pdf',
      size: '23555',
      name: '',
      size: '72555',
      name: 'prototype.psd',

Then open the Vault.jsx file, pass the name of the data file to the component constructor function and use the parse() method inside the useEffect() method of React to load data into Vault:


const VaultComponent = ({ data }) => {    const nodeRef = useRef(null);
  let [vault, setVault] = useState(null);
  useEffect(() => {
    const vault = new Vault(nodeRef.current, {});
    return () => vault.destructor();
  }, []);
  useEffect(() => {      if (!vault) return;;   }, [vault, data]);  
  return (
      style={{width:"700px", minHeight:"100vh"}}
export default VaultComponent;

The vault.parse(data); line will provide data reloading on each applied change.

Now the Vault component is ready. When the element will be added to the page, it will initialize the Vault object with data. You can provide necessary configuration settings as well. Visit our Vault API docs to check the full list of available properties.

Handling events

When a user makes some action in the Vault, it invokes an event. You can use these events to detect the action and run the desired code for it. See the full list of events.

Open Vault.jsx and complete the useEffect() method as in:


useEffect(() => {
    const vault = new Vault(nodeRef.current, {});
    setVault(vault);"ActionName", () => {});  
    return () => vault.destructor();
  }, []);

Replace 'ActionName' with the actual event name you want to handle, and implement the corresponding code inside the callback function. Get more information about the work with events in the Handling Events article.

Step 3. Adding Vault into the app

Now it's time to add the component into our app. Open App.jsx and replace the default code with the following one:


import { useState } from "react";
import VaultComponent from "./Vault";
import { getData } from "./data";
function App() {
  let [data] = useState(getData());
  return <VaultComponent data={data} />;
export default App;

After that, when we start the app, we should see Vault loaded with data on a page.

Vault initialization

Now you should have a basic setup for integrating DHTMLX Vault with React. You can customize the code according to your specific requirements.

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