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Work with Chart

Setting Chart configuration

You can change configuration of Chart on the fly with the help of the setConfig() method. It takes as a parameter an object with updated chart configuration.

const config = {
type: "radar",
scales: {
value: "month",
maxTicks: 7
series: [
id: "A",
value: "company A",
fill: "#000000",
alpha: 0.3,
color: "#000000"
id: "B",
value: "company B",
fill: "#FFFF33",
alpha: 0.3,
color: "#FFFF33"


Related sample: Chart. Change configuration on the fly

Getting series configuration

The Chart API gives you the possibility to get an object with the configuration of a certain series. Use the getSeries() method for this purpose. It takes the id of a series as a parameter:

const config = chart.getSeries("A");
/* =>
"strokeWidth": 2, "active": true,
"tooltip": true, "paddings": 5,
"color": "none", "fill": "none",
"pointType": "circle", "id": "A",
"value": "company A", "pointColor": "blue",
"type": "radar",
"scales": [

Related sample: Chart. Get series

Iterating over series

It is possible to iterate over chart series using the eachSeries(). As a parameter it takes a handler function that will perform iteration. Pass an array with series objects as a parameter of the handler function:

const chart = new dhx.Chart("chart_container", {
type: "radar",
scales: {
value: "month",
maxTicks: 7
series: [
id: "A",
value: "company A",
fill: "#000000",
alpha: 0.3,
color: "#000000"
id: "B",
value: "company B",
fill: "#FFFF33",
alpha: 0.3,
color: "#FFFF33"

// -> ["#394E79", "#5E83BA", "#C2D2E9"]

Related sample: Chart. Each series

Adding items into Chart

The API of Data Collection allows you to perform operations with Chart data items. For example, you can add more items (points) into your Chart using the method, like this:

const config = {
scales: {
"bottom" : {
text: "text",
showText: false
"left" : {
maxTicks: 10,
max: 100,
min: 0
series: [
value: "value",
color: "#5E83BA",
strokeWidth: 2

const chart = new dhx.Chart("chart_container", config);[
value: Math.random() * 100,
text: "u" + + 1
value: Math.random() * 100,
text: "u" + + 2
value: Math.random() * 100,
text: "u" + + 3
function add() {{
value: Math.random() * 100,
text: "u" +

The method takes as a parameter an object with two properties:

valuethe value of an item
textthe text of an item on the X-axis

A new data item is added relative to the X-axis. In case of adding many items, you need to increase the value of each new data item position to add it correctly.

Related sample: Chart. Adding data on the fly