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Optional. Adds event handlers to the HTML elements of a custom template of DataView items

eventHandlers?: {
[eventName: string]: {
[className: string]: (event: Event, id: string | number) => void | boolean;


The eventHandlers object includes a set of key:value pairs, where:

key the name of the event. Note, that at the beginning of the event name the 'on' prefix is used (onclick, onmouseover).
valuean object that contains a key:value pair, where key is the css class name that the handler will be applied to and value is a function that takes two parameters:
  • event - an event object
  • id - the id of a DataView item


function template() {
return "<div className='class_name'></div>";

const dataview = new dhx.DataView("dataview_container", {
template: template,
eventHandlers: {
onclick: {
class_name: function(event) {
console.log("You clicked on " +;
// return false;
onmouseover: {
class_name: function(event, id) {
console.log("Item ID: " + id);

Related sample: Dataview. Handling events in template

Note. Returning false from a handler function will stop the template event bubbling and block triggering of the click event when you click on the item with className.

As an alternative way, you may use stopPropagation() for this purpose (from v7.3.6):

eventHandlers: {
onclick: {
class_name: (event) => {
evt = event || window.event;
console.log("button click");

Change log:

added in v7.0